IPAWS-OPEN 2.0 MOA Approval Process Has Begun!
It has finally happened. The process for getting access to the IPAWS-OPEN 2.0 Test capability is in place. You must fill out a request questionnaire first. This questionnaire will soon be available on the FEMA IPAWS web site. Until it is available, makers/developer/program managers of emergency management software and Alert dissemination systems can send email to “open AT eyestreet.com” requesting the questionnaire. We will use that information to construct a Memorandum of Agreement that you will sign and return to me. I will obtain a valid Government signature and return the MOA to you along with a programmers Manual, valid system endpoint for the IPAWS 2.0 web services, and an x509 signature to be used in accessing those end points. Please be patient. There is some pent-up demand and it will take a while before everyone is taken care of. We will be giving priority to current OPEN operational systems and to EAS dissemination systems that need to help broadcasters meet the infamous “180 day clock.” But we will get to you.